Congratulations to Judge Janet Protasiewicz!

You've helped us all sleep better going into 2024. This is the first time in about 15 years where WI's Supreme Court is majority Democrat.

This page will stay up for archival purposes. Last updated April 4th, 2023.


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Events to get out the Vote and get Judge Janet elected with WisDems!

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The most important election of 2023.

Judge Protasiewicz would protect abortion rights in Wisconsin. Maps gerrymandered in favor of Republicans could be justly reviewed and likely redrawn. If the 2024 GOP Presidential candidate tries to throw out legitimate Wisconsin ballots (again) to try and steal the state's electoral votes (again), trust that we'll rest assured with Judge Protasiewicz on Wisconsin's Supreme Court.

With election day on April 4th just around the corner, has county-specific voting location information, upcoming events, and plenty more:

Postcarding Options to Support Judge Janet

Registered Wisconsin voters may request an absentee ballot.

Find your polling place for April 4th.

Support Janet Protasiewicz for WI Supreme Court!

Campaign site:

Twitter: @janetforjustice

Instagram: @janetforjustice


YouTube: @janetforjustice

Judge Protasiewicz photo c/o @janetforjustice on Twitter

Primary Candidate Forum #1 (WisPolitics):

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