Resources for American voters living abroad. Includes resources for Democrats and overseas military voters, too. Vote Blue.

Voting from Abroad by the Numbers

As of the November 2022 Midterm elections…”nearly 6.5 million Americans and dual citizens living outside the US who are eligible to vote could make a difference on important issues.”

"In 2020, about 8% of the 6.5 million eligible US citizens abroad voted in the Presidential elections. While there is definitely room for growth, that number is actually very energising because with just 8% of us voting, we swung the election in favour of President Biden," Candice Kerestan said (international chair for Democrats Abroad).

Maïthé Chini, the Brussels Times

"In 2020, the three most common problems overseas voters encountered were difficulties with the mailing system, difficulties requesting a ballot, and difficulties returning a ballot."

"North America (excluding the United States) and Europe contain the most voting-age U.S. citizens, although countries from other regions of the world also rank among the top 10." From FVAP's 2020 research, the top 10 countries with the most voting-age eligible U.S. citizens are: Canada, United Kingdom, Israel, France, Australia, Japan, Switzerland, Mexico, Germany, Hong Kong.

Federal Voting Assistance Program Overseas Population Analysis (2020)

Check out the Elections Calendar for upcoming opportunities to vote. Spread the word to your fam living in areas with upcoming elections.

"In the 2020 general election, the FVAP estimates 224,139 votes were cast by citizens abroad who aren't in the military, the equivalent to a voting rate of 7.8%. That compares to an overall turnout rate of 66.8%.

But this elusive group holds a shimmering promise for political organizers who could crack the code to unlocking the bloc's potential."

"A common trap when thinking about the overseas vote is to conflate it with those serving in the military. The active-duty military has a much higher voter participation rate — 47% voted in 2020."

"Military personnel are very much plugged into American institutions that are able to provide the logistical support, the reminders to vote and all the information on how to vote...That's part of why overseas citizens' turnout is so low, because they don't have that logistical support, and they're on their own with figuring out how and when to vote,'" said Tara Ginnane, a political scientist studying the engagement of American citizens abroad.

Barbara Sprunt, NPR

Link up with Democrats Abroad if you're living outside the U.S. and eligible to vote.

The numbers are unquestionably encouraging. According to Vote From Abroad: "Nearly 19,000 Georgia voters overseas returned their ballots in the [2020] Presidential election.." Georgia's presidential vote was decided by about 12,000 ballots. No joke. Stay engaged, optimistic, and get out the vote!

Angela Norwood, The Conversation: Americans around the world were part of the largest voter turnout in U.S. history

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