Voting Rights for Felons and the Formerly Incarcerated

This page has groups dedicated to helping felons, prisoners, and the formerly incarcerated with understanding and restoring their voting rights.


A really easy to use interactive map from a leading Civil Rights group of our time, the American Civil Liberties Union.

ACLU Voting Rights Map for the Formerly Incarcerated

Twitter: @ACLU

Brennan Center

The Brennan Center provides a resource center with research and updates on the fight to restore felons' voting rights.

Voting Rights Restoration central from the Brennan Center

Twitter: @BrennanCenter

The Sentencing Project

This organization offers robust information on felons' voting rights disenfranchisement.

Sentencing Project main website

Twitter: @SentencingProj

The Marshall Project

A compilation of articles and more regarding felons and the efforts to restore their right to vote.

The Marshall Project article hub

Twitter: @MarshallProj


Detailed info on the restoration of voting rights for felons from the National Conference of State Legislatures.

NCSL Felon Voting Rights Info

Twitter: @NCSLorg

Common Cause

Common Cause is working to restore voting rights to felons through the Zero Disenfranchisement movement.

The Common Cause Zero Disenfranchisement report and data

Twitter: @CommonCause

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