Welcome to the archived 2022's Midterm Predictions.

Predictions Aggregated

Combining 5 notable sources as a baseline for the HQ's in-house equation:

The Dems Hub Aggregated Predictions Score,

or DAP Score for short.

2022 DAPS Accuracy Total: 17/20 | 85%

Considerations: An encouraging first score for the HQ! I definitely need to tweak the formula for House-level races. It'll be very interesting to see how this goes for 2024. Making moves!

A score above 50.0 higher indicates that race is likely to be won by Democrats. 

Anything under 50.0 points means that race will likely be lost by Democrats.

A score of 50.0 says that race is a coin-flip.

*The scores with each source are my own derivations - not a number pulled from the source.

Let's see what will unfold!!

...AS OF OCTOBER 5, 2022...



270toWin: 50 +/- 1

FiveThirtyEight: 67

Cook Political Report: 50 +/- 1

Politico Forecast: 50 +/- 1

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 50 +/- 1

DAP: 53.4 (+/- 4) 


270toWin: 49 +/- 1

FiveThirtyEight: 31

Cook Political Report: 45

Politico Forecast: 20

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 47 +/- 3

DAP: 38.4 (+/- 2) 



270 to Win: 40

Five-Thirty-Eight: 25

Cook Political Ratings: 40

Politico Forecast: 40

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 25

DAP: 34


270 to Win: 50

Five-Thirty-Eight: 50

Cook Political Ratings: 50

Politico Forecast: 50

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 50

DAP: 50


270 to Win: 50

Five-Thirty-Eight: 50

Cook Political Ratings: 50

Politico Forecast: 50

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 50

DAP: 50


270 to Win: 70

Five-Thirty-Eight: 75

Cook Political Ratings: 60

Politico Forecast: 65

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 65

DAP: 67


270 to Win: 60

Five-Thirty-Eight: 60

Cook Political Ratings: 50

Politico Forecast: 50

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 70

DAP: 58



270 to Win: 50

Five-Thirty-Eight: 50

Cook Political Ratings: 50

Politico Forecast: 50

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 50

DAP: 50.0


270 to Win: 40

Five-Thirty-Eight: 40

Cook Political Ratings: 40

Politico Forecast: 45

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 40

DAP: 41.0


270 to Win: 90

Five-Thirty-Eight: 85

Cook Political Ratings: 90

Politico Forecast: 85

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 90

DAP: 88.0


270 to Win: 75

Five-Thirty-Eight: 85

Cook Political Ratings: 75

Politico Forecast: 60

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 75

DAP: 74.0


270 to Win: 25

Five-Thirty-Eight: 30

Cook Political Ratings: 33

Politico Forecast: 40

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 33

DAP: 32.2



270 to Win: 40

Five-Thirty-Eight: 33

Cook Political Ratings: 40

Politico Forecast: N/A

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 40

DAP: 38.25


270 to Win: 50

Five-Thirty-Eight: 40

Cook Political Ratings: 45

Politico Forecast: N/A

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 40

DAP: 43.75


270 to Win: N/A

Five-Thirty-Eight: N/A

Cook Political Ratings: 40

Politico Forecast: N/A

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 25

DAP: 32.5


270 to Win: 60

Five-Thirty-Eight: 70

Cook Political Ratings: 60

Politico Forecast: N/A

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 60

DAP: 62.5


270 to Win: 50

Five-Thirty-Eight: 45

Cook Political Ratings: 45

Politico Forecast: N/A

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 45

DAP: 46.25


270 to Win: N/A

Five-Thirty-Eight: N/A

Cook Political Ratings: 15

Politico Forecast: N/A

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 25

DAP: 20.0


270 to Win: 50

Five-Thirty-Eight: 15

Cook Political Ratings: 55

Politico Forecast: N/A

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 55

DAP: 43.75


270 to Win: 40

Five-Thirty-Eight: 51

Cook Political Ratings: 15

Politico Forecast: 40

Sabato's Crystal Ball: 25

DAP: 34.20

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