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16 organizations focused on Latinx communities.

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Mijente from their site:

"We are a political home for Latinx and Chicanx people who seek racial, economic, gender and climate justice. Often we are told as Latinxs that in order to get ahead we need to just work hard and not ask questions. We believe the opposite - we need to hold our heads high and speak out."

Learn more here:

Mi Familia Vota from their site:

"Mi Familia Vota's mission is to mobilize Latino power, through year-round activation of the electorate, and investment in local infrastructure, to advance our community's policy priorities.

We are fighting for a future where Latino voices shape and advance policies that promote the health, safety, and prosperity of Latino communities across the country.

Fighting for our communities means fighting with our communities. That is why we stand firm in our commitment to organize, educate, and mobilize our people to make an impact."

Learn more here:

NALEO Educational Fund from their site:

"NALEO Educational Fund is the nation's leading 501(c) (3) non-profit, non-partisan organization that facilitates full Latino participation in the American political process, from citizenship to public service."

Learn more here:

National Hispanic Institute from their site:

"To create experiences that engage achieving high school and college age youth in community leadership roles that advance our quality of life." "Since the late 1970s, the founders of the National Hispanic Institute (NHI), Ernesto Nieto, and co-founder, Gloria de Léon, saw the rapidly expanding U.S. Latino youth population as a source of bright, forward thinking young minds that could become involved in community leadership development."

Learn more here:

Prospanica from their site:

"To empower and enable Hispanic MBAs and business professionals to achieve their full educational, economic, and social potential." "Prospanica has advocated for Hispanic business professionals for 30 years. Since our founding as the National Society of Hispanic MBAs in 1988, we've hosted annual career and professional development conferences, connecting thousands of Hispanics to graduate programs, subject matter experts, corporations, and each other."

Learn more here:

Unidos US from their site:

"Since 1968, UnidosUS-formerly known as NCLR-has remained a trusted, nonpartisan voice for Latinos. We serve the Hispanic community through our research, policy analysis, and state and national advocacy efforts, as well as in our program work in communities nationwide. And we partner with a national network of nearly 300 Affiliates across the country to serve millions of Latinos in the areas of civic."

Learn more here:

United We Dream from their site:

"We are the largest immigrant youth-led community in the country..."At United We Dream, we transform that fear into finding your voice. We empower people to develop their leadership, their organizing skills, and to develop our own campaigns to fight for justice and dignity for immigrants and all people. This is achieved through immigrant youth-led campaigns at the local, state, and federal level."

Learn more here:

Voto Latino from their site:

"Voto Latino is a grassroots political organization focused on educating and empowering a new generation of Latinx voters, as well as creating a more robust and inclusive democracy. Through innovative digital campaigns, culturally relevant programs and authentic voices, we shepherd the Latinx community towards full realization of its political power.

In our 15-year history, we've been at the forefront of political, cultural, digital trends for organizing and activating Latinxs."

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These listings are not necessarily endorsements from Voting Info HQ. It's about inclusivity. This is primarily an effort to have menu items for all Democrats and Blue voters. 

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