11: John Feal Conversation [Supercut]


Peace and Resist Podcast

Kedro speaks with John Feal - 9/11 first responder, activist, organizer, and much more discusses how his Mom taught him to care for and protect others, a detailed saga of how the 9/11 First Responder legislation passed - including machine-gun escorts and electric handshakes, how John Feal got Jon Stewart to channel his Daily Show magic to give the perfect testimony at the most important moment, Rick Rescorla - the Man Who Saw It Coming and Welles Crowther - the Man in the Red Bandana, Jon Feal's Red Bomber Jacket in the 9/11 Museum, an organic description of the feeling John gets when he walks the 9/11 Memorial grounds, the 20th anniversary is this year, and much more. Check out WarFighter2021.com for the work John Feal is currently doing.

From Blue Arcs Media / VotingInfoHQ.com: your unconventional hub for Democrats and Blue voters. Thanks for listening, be good to yourself.

S1 | Ep 11

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