02: Rick Rosner Conversation


Peace and Resist Podcast

Kedro talks with Rick Rosner, who has the 2nd highest IQ in the world and is a former Jimmy Kimmel writer. This went to a lot of fun and unexpected places. It gets funny, political, and scientifically thought-provoking towards the end. We open by discussing his brother, Lt. Col. Dave Rosner, who was the only Jewish Marine comedian, and talk what propelled Rick to politics, Avengers Endgame vs. Stars Wars in style and production, his Huffington Post writing, his concept of Individualized Information Feeds - in part related to modern food science and Presidential history, legends of sinks broken on unruly patrons' heads, his time as a bouncer - including reaching the 1000 fake IDs mark and a lot more, a sample from his time as the Noesis journal editor (published by the Mega Society), Rick's take on JFK and Kedro's sell to bring him back for a full JFK episode, 1% of conspiracies are real - no to Jewish space lasers, yes to Sasquatch and others, what's required for the overwhelming majority of successful TV pilots, Rick's recent dream set in Vegas with Penn from Penn and Teller for a podcast interview (maybe our show, maybe), how many scripted shows are currently on, a TV Executive's fall from the mountaintop, how wanting to make jewelry for his wife led to graduating from college with 5 majors, Lance vs. Rick and how badly Rick wants to record live again post-COVID so he can wreck things, vaccinations are happening and Rick knows the data, physics is fun, Wanda Sykes is great and she crushed the bit he wrote for Crank Yankers, Van Nuys in the 80s, Einstein and Rick's parallel to Einstein's time in the Patent Office, how John Archibald Wheeler impacted his ideas with a helpful LEGO analogy, Informational Cosmology: Rick's Theory of Everything, the link between our brains and the stars we observe, and much more. *No medical advice is given on this episode.