All are welcome.
Stay engaged, your voice matters.
*You'll see more changes while the HQ rebuild continues.
a whole lot of changes to the HQ lately, holy smokes.
About 80% done with slated updates, then every page will be QC'ed again.
An end-of-year, super-simplified status report for all of the appreciated visitors like you:
The 118th Congress / Civic Square rebuilds are nearly done.
New pages are going up in the new Elections Center +, too.
Dems Hub saw a total overhaul; there are 300+ org's listed (and counting).
Even made a new HQ logo (see above, below, or all over the place).
The site layout and color scheme's been heavily upgraded, too.
Some of many recent updates.
I'm taking some time to determine the best way forward with this project - life is keeping me nice and busy!
Stay well and have an excellent holiday season. Merry Christmas to you and yours!!
- Kedro
🚨 new pages alert >>>
housed in Elections Center+
more on the way
>> info bank: elections, candidates, +
>> content, resources for every State
>> strategy & action / kind of the HQ's central node