donate, FAQs, disclaimers +

Thanks for visiting. Support the HQ if you can.

Happy New Year to you and your fam.

All the best, Kedro

The plan remains for this to be a free service, at its core. Your support's truly appreciated.

The HQ has now seen four consecutive years of growth with website traffic since being founded. Thank you.

Work and life is keeping me busier than ever, so there won't be aggressive updates here for the foreseeable future.

Remember to be good to yourself.

- Kedro, Voting Info HQ

<<  FAQs  >>

Who operates this site?

Heyo, I go by Kedro - and I'm a longtime independent voter who joined the Democratic party in 2020. While I've always voted Blue, the 2016 election demonstrated that this would be an All Hands on Deck situation for the foreseeable future.

I've helped to build knowledge bases for a few companies from the entry-level and realized those skills can be applied towards a long-time goal of running my own political organization of some sort. Work experience includes being in Tech Support, Leadership, New Hire and Tech Support Training, and other roles. For a short while, I co-ran a DIY online magazine that provided a lot of coverage with in-depth reporting, and it developed a solid following. (The e-mag ended when my partner moved out of state.) After several years of editing until I fall asleep at my desk, the HQ truly has developed its own pulse.

I've actively helped/encouraged folks to vote since I was a teenager, co-founded a poli-sci club at a local college several years back, wrote press releases for a congressional campaign, and have other relevant experience - which speaks a bit to my lifelong politics obsession. I alllmost became a campaign manager for a friend who was mulling a local city council run.

In 2020, I decided to register with the Democrats. By the time I got my "Welcome to the CA Dem Party" email, I'd already established Voting Info HQ, the Elections Center+ (formerly Dems Database), and Dems Hub as a three-headed approach to this enterprise.

Voting Info HQ is solely owned and operated by me, Kedro. It's all a labor of love. You do you.

How did this all start?

I joined Twitter during the beginning of the COVID pandemic, around the Spring of 2020. One of my very first Twitter friends was Rick Rosner ( @dumbassgenius on Twitter ), who helped me to hash out an idea to make a Twitter page about voting information. A smart, fun voting page - in some ways a steep hill to climb with that premise alone.

The Twitter account grew rapidly over a few months of posting and making connections to many great Democrats who were gracious with their time by highlighting many Democrat accounts. Quickly, I recognized that this service and my info-feed were not entirely unique but entirely relevant and helpful - by highlighting candidates, making complex topics bite-size - and doing it in my own style. The metrics were initially stunning for this start-up op that operates on no budget whatsoever.

As certain follower milestones were hit on the Twitter account, new wings were added to the Twitter page each time. Making art graphics, starting a podcast, yadda yadda, and ultimately starting a website. (For social media, I'm only on Bluesky for now.)

And here we are, and here we go. 

Glad to have you alongside me on this bizarre, rewarding ride.

Does Voting Info HQ partner with other groups?

At this time, no. While I continue to have conversations over time and welcome them, Voting Info HQ is currently an independent enterprise. The HQ is, as you can see, in full support of Democrats down-ballot.

<<  disclaimers  >>

Best practice: confirm locally.

While this site is regularly checked for accuracy and updates on an almost daily basis, it's always best to confirm locally as elections details could be subject to change by your local officials.

Art by Kedro.

All art on this site is created and solely owned by Kedro for Voting Info HQ unless otherwise stated.

Email responses.

Due to the volume of work required to maintain this website, I will do my best to reply to each email sent - particularly those related to Voting Info HQ directly.

HQ's solo, for now.

Voting Info HQ is not affiliated with any other organization at this time, though the HQ is in full support of Democrats and the Democratic Party. This project operates as a private enterprise.

If you get connected to an organization or candidate through this site and have questions for that organization/candidate - please contact them for the best and most relevant responses.

Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

Warren Buffett

The plan remains for this to be a free service, at its core. Your support's truly appreciated. Remember to be good to yourself.

- Kedro, Voting Info HQ

Stay engaged.

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